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Visionary Creative Change

Visionary Creative Change
Your Personal Mentor

Laurel's Visionary Blog Welcome

Thank you for your interest in my new Blog. Many various subjects will be posted here:
Spiritual Growth-Ancient Knowledge-Astrology-2012 & Current Events Now -Numerology-Color Healing-Mind Reality-Higher Awareness
Webmaster tools for newbies like me!
Love & Light
Laurel Ann Browne

Monday, January 30, 2012


Good question! Let's begin by defining the words "Self" and "Mastery!"

When people first hear the term SELF-MASTERY, they usually associate it with perfectionism or with highly evolved beings such as Buddha or Jesus. Self-mastery is not about perfectionism, nor do you have to be as evolved as Buddha or Jesus to be Self-mastered. If I sent you on a quest to find "the perfect tree, " after some investigation and discussion you would probably conclude that there is no such thing as one perfect tree. It is the same with human beings...we are all perfect in our own unique way! This concept applies in the same way to Self-mastery. Your quest is to be the most perfect you that you can be. You are unique unto the universe, and as such, your self-actualization will manifest as you master the perfection that is within you. Your Self-mastery cannot be picked in someone else's garden!

Doing affirmations alone is like... putting on a clean shirt before taking a shower!

The affirmation, alone, concept assumes that you have had a life with functional role models, and that your past was devoid of physical, sexual, or verbal abuse. It assumes that your mind is a clean slate, free of past pain, loss, and dysfunctional experiences. According to this theory you can "PILE ON" positive affirmations on top of a dysfunctional past and still create the reality you want. As I discovered, the "PILE IT ON" theory, alone, just doesn't work! In fact, the more affirmations you say that do not create the reality you want, the dirtier the slate of your mind becomes! The average person's mind is cluttered with contradictory information. This inhibits the input of positive new affirmations because of the Law of the Universe that states: "Nothing changes until IT becomes what it is!" This means that you need to see the whole truth, as it is, without judgment, regret, or shame, before affirmations will work for you! You will not create permanent positive change in your life until you learn how to clean the slate of your mind! Doing affirmations without cleaning your mind... is like putting on a clean white shirt, before taking a shower!
The Conscious Creation Process is a series of actions that brings about an expected end result...your desires!

The CONSCIOUS CREATION PROCESS is a series of specific actions that bring about an expected end result...your desires. It is through this series of specific spiritual exercises that you can manifest your desires! The Conscious Creation Process is based on the following hypothesis: Thoughts create feelings, feelings create actions, actions create habits, habits create beliefs, beliefs attract similar beliefs, similar beliefs form belief systems, belief systems create human identities, and it's your human identities that create your reality! You create from the unseen to the seen... from the invisible to the visible! What you see in front of you has no power over you because it is simply your old karma running off! Most people think that they are their thoughts! You are not your thoughts. You are the creator of your thoughts, and therefore you are FREE to think any thoughts you want! You can choose to think thoughts of love, healing, and prosperity OR you can think thoughts of fear, lack, and dis-ease! This choice brings with it great personal responsibility, for you shall experience the thoughts that you choose to think!

Parts 4-7 next week come back soon.
Visionary Creative Change 866-728-0911
Holistic Resource Center

Sunday, August 14, 2011

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These are just a few free downloads -  go to my website and click on 101 Ways to Get Backlinks and submit your own URL's!  If this can work for me it can work for you too! Visionary Creative Change
Laurel Ann Browne